Thursday, March 29, 2007

Snake people rock

Why is it always raining when I visit India?

The pterocoach had no trouble with the storms we encountered along the way. Sikes is now polishing the brass on our vehicle while I enjoy the best toasted bread snacks the snake people of New Harappan have to offer. They're really quite tasty (the snacks, not the snakes) -- nice tomato-pepper drizzle and an herb mix that's savory without being overwhelming. All of the dishes here have distinct flavor differences from traditional Indian cooking. I guess living in an isolated jungle city for three thousand years will do that.

Anyway... Sikes, Dr. Crimsos and I will be setting up the new satellite pods for the Green Regent. Then it's off to Sicily to pick up a new watch. I keep forgetting what New Harappan's crazy camouflage does to anything magnetic.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My normal day

Living in a fortress supported by five ultra-zeppelins is more complex than you might know. For instance, they have to catapult our mail each day as we pass over the post office. I have my bodyguard, Sikes, catch the important stuff. We used to shoot junk mail from the sky with shotguns, but the Air Force eventually asked us to stop. Now we use the heat ray during rainy days and implosion missiles when it's dry (don't want to start forest fires with cinders).

Speaking of which, a house spider just delivered word that lunch will be served on the flying buttress garden. So long for now.